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My Photography Style..

My Theory

Life is passing by quickly. Quicker than we can imagine. 


Kids are growing up fast, we all adults are busy doing our daily chores. But in this fast paced life, why not hold on for a few hours and just have fun. And while having that fun, why not create memories. 


I personally feel we all should document our journey through pictures. We do click pictures in our mobile phones everyday, or on every occasion, but how many times do we revisit those pictures or print them. 


Having a professional photo-shoot done not only gives you a time to just enjoy, but also to make beautiful memories which you want to decorate in your home. Something to look forward to and something to remember and cherish. 

My Style

My photography style is FUN! Yes, this defines pretty much everything about what and how I click the pictures. 


I am not the one who would ask you to sit on a chair, make you pose and say “smile :)”. I would rather ask you all to chase or tickle each other. I like to capture the moments where you all laugh hysterically, without caring about being in front of a camera. 


There is always an attempt to show the feel of the moment, capturing souls, and not just a picture.


My galleries are full of movements, expressions, hugs, smiles (literally!). That’s what I look forward to before every shoot. Trust me by the end of each shoot, your jaws will be hurting (haha!) and your hearts will be full of joy :)

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